Administrator Profile Course
Go through all the customization possibilities of the platform, so that each client achieves the most appropriate version for their business.
Supervisor Profile Course
Focused on the generation and visualization of reports in S1 Analytics, to always have updated information on the operation, both statistical and in real time.
Agent Profile Course
It details each functionality available to agents during case management, for agile and personalized conversations.
Monitoring Analyst Specialization
It delves into the analysis and management of all S1Analytics reporting, complementing it with reference cases and recommendations regarding its use.
Bot Administrator Specialization
Focused on the step-by-step use of S1Bot, from creating a new bot to its constant training, to maintaining optimal conversation management by strengthening the use of AI.
Partner Training
It brings together all the necessary information about S1 at a technical, industry and commercial level, to enhance the commercial activity of all our partners.